Think Twice Online – Scoop Scoop News

“I made this just for you; I hope you like it. Click here!”

After you click on the link your friend sent you, another page pops up asking you to log into your Instagram account. You enter your info, curious to see what your friend made for you. In this way, you have given a stranger access to your username and password.

Similar situations are not unfamiliar to many individuals who frequently surf the Internet or use social media. Especially on social media, there have been a lot of accounts impersonating other users. Even just letting the app know your location or the contacts on your phone can be dangerous.

With the expansion of computer networks, everyday activities have become achievable from the comfort of our homes – shopping, entertainment, and Acquaintance, For example, but not limited. But this shift to the online world also increases the chance of data breaches.

according to 2016 Pew Research Center survey64% of US adults have been affected by some form of data theft, whether it’s fraudulent credit card charges, compromised account numbers, or hacked email and social media accounts.

However, many Americans do not follow cybersecurity best practices to protect their personal information, as 69% of online adults are not concerned about password security. Of those surveyed, 41% of online adults shared their passwords with someone else, 39% use the same password for multiple accounts, and 25% admitted to using simple passwords rather than risk forgetting a more complex one.

But data theft should be a major concern. The intersection of what people experience with Internet security and their indifference about protecting their information shows that this problem must be addressed before this indifference can be exploited by others. Of course, it should be noted that the surveys were conducted before some high-profile data breaches occurred. However, there is still little interest in keeping one’s data safe.

Data security becomes another discussion when government is considered. when asked about encryptionAnd it is a way to hide the true meaning of information, 46% believed that the government should have access to encrypted communications to investigate crimes, while 44% thought that law enforcement should not be able to crack encryption tools.

This dichotomy raises the question of the extent of data protection. While the need to obtain data for investigative purposes is understandable, everyone’s right to privacy cannot be denied and they should be resolute about preserving this privilege.

There may not be a single solution to completely prevent data breaches, but one can certainly reduce the chances by ensuring that their information and accounts are protected. Before clicking a link, look for suspicious sources or senders. Before entering your information on a website, ask yourself who is on the other end.

As one gets older and takes on new responsibilities, there is a greater need to secure confidential information. So before something more important gets deleted, develop the urgency and awareness to keep yourself safe online.

Originally posted 2022-11-27 10:22:28.